Whistleblower: TRF city attorney’s wife openly discussed Sally Mumm abusing vulnerable adult; committing theft; and fraud

March 2, 2015

by Timothy Charles Holmseth

Tammy Sparby, the wife of Thief River Falls Assistant City Attorney Delray Sparby, possesses a complete knowledge base of criminal acts committed by Sally Mumm.

It is not presently known if the Thief River Falls Police Department, or Pennington County Attorney Alan Rogalla, has questioned Tammy Sparby.

According to a whistleblower (hereby referred to as Jane), Tammy Sparby freely discussed Mumm’s misconduct and criminal activity in considerable detail. 

“[Tammy Sparby told me about] the stuff that [Sally Mumm] was doing on work time like lying about going to conferences. She talked about that pool thing – and about taking off with Katie [Mumm] shopping on work time – how she gets away with all that," Jane said.

The discussions between Tammy Sparby and Jane regarding Sally Mumm occurred long before Sally Mumm came under investigation regarding $64,000 that had been improperly paid out to Sally Mumm.

"She was talking about her witnessing her being mean to REDACTED – like her and Katie (Mumm) laughing – calling her – telling her she’s a retard,” Jane said.

“[Tammy Sparby said] she (Sally Mumm) goes to the store and she buys stuff with REDACTED’s money that, she thought, she bought stuff for Katie under REDACTED's money; under her checking or something like that; just writes it off like it was  stuff for REDACTED but it was  really stuff for Katie,” Jane said. 

Jane said Tammy Sparby was afraid of Sally Mumm, and at one point, Tammy Sparby exprssed she was afraid Sally Mumm was going to do something to ruin her marriage.

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